Friday, May 27, 2011

Sayonara, old buddy...

One of my oldest and best friends, Rolf Berg, passed away today. We made 15 films together, and had a blast doing them. Rolf played everything from pirates and crooks to trolls and wizards. He did it all and did it very well. I will really miss him.


  1. Terribly sorry for the loss of your dear friend,Rolf,Richard.

    With every sympathy...

  2. Thank you, Shelley! He was a great, great friend. We were both the sort of people that found it hard to raise interest within our respective families about what we were doing, so we always called each other and talked about our various projects. During the summers, Rolf would move into his summer house not far from where I live, and we'd make films and write stories.
    I think he'll be missed by the whole bunch of us that use to get together and make films.

  3. My condolences on the passing of your friend Richard.

  4. It just shows how long it's been since I last checked your blog that I've only just read this, so I hope I'm not too late to say how sorry I am to read of your loss. Having seen Rolf's joyous performances in some of your films, it's sad to read that he's now gone, I get the impression that he must have been some kind of guy to be around.
