Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Recreating Taurus

 I just finished one of my very few puppet-building commissions, a recreation of the monster Taurus from the film "Equinox" (1968/71). I built it for a fellow YouTuber with a great interest in vintage monsters. This puppet is built up, like all my puppets, having a aluminum wire-jointed skeleton covered with soft foam and a latex skin. It's a pretty good recreation, and I'm quite happy with it. I hope my YouTube pal will like it too.

"Equinox", for those of you that don't know, is a low-low budget horror fantasy of singular pedigree. It was put together by people who would in the 70´s rise to fame as creators of the effects for "Star Wars" and most of the blockbuster fantasies that followed during the 80´s. Besides Taurus there's also a bat-winged devil and a Lovecraftian tentacled horror, chasing no other than fantasy author Fritz Lieber in a small role. Today you can get "Equinox" as a very polished double DVD set (of course).


  1. Excellent puppet Richard! I especially like the aged look you gave to the teeth and tusks!

  2. Thanks! It's hard not having a puppet look like a puppet, but aging parts of it certainly helps. The paintjob is important.

  3. Cool Taurus - I think I like it better than the original!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ultra cool!!

    i didnt even know you did comissions.....hmmmm


  6. What's the name of your YouTube channel?
