Sunday, September 6, 2015

Living Night by M R James

As you've seen in THIS previous post, I'm a big fan of English writer M R James. Besides his famous ghost stories it seems he also wrote poetry. I found this poem, alternately called "Living Night" and "A Livermere Poem", and I really liked it. I thought it would make a great, moody video. You'll have to be the judge of that :)

There are no actors in this video, just animals in stock footage clips, and my puppets; one new and a couple recycled. My narrator of choice, Mr John Hutch, reads the poem, and the ever useful Kevin Macleod has composed the music.

My plan is to make more videos based on poetry. They'll be shorter and quicker to make, which means that I'll be able to offer new content on YouTube more often. I hope my little audience will appreciate that.


  1. Really cool stuff! I think your idea to pursue more short projects like this one is good; can't wait to see more.

  2. Thanks! I still want to make something with one of your songs, preferably "Tars Tarkas", as you know.

  3. Definitely --you're welcome to use it...though I'd be even more interested in doing new music specifically for a new project.
