Saturday, February 28, 2015

"The Other Gods": The Finished Film

And here it is, ladies and gentlemen. I hope you'll enjoy it. It took two years to finish the darn thing, but the main reason for that is that I've been crazy busy with other things since the fall 2013. Hopefully, I won't take that long to finish the next one.


  1. Wow. That was awesome.

    I could recognize at least several elder gods. The elder God lashing out his tongue to kill the guy was excellent, as was the Avalanche, the moths, and Nyrathalhotep's introduction. It rivals shadow out of time, in sheer ambition. My only complaint is that I wished the scene was longer!

    I think some of "dancing gods" looked like anomalies from Primeval. What were two creatures that looked that deformed babies? And who dies the music? It's excellent!

    I think you could do Doom that came to Sarnath. That would be amazing. Lovecraft left lots of Bokrig's attack deliberately vague, so there's plenty of room for freaky imagery and giant water lizard destruction.

    Simply amazing. Always fun to see your work.

    Kelston Hubler

  2. I have to agree with Kelston Hubler here, this has lots of ambition and definitely challenges "The Shadow Out of Time". And I admit that Nyarlathotep's introduction literally held me awestruck. LITERALLY.

    Either way you've got to do more. "The Doom That Came to Sarnath", as Mr. Hubler suggests, is quite a logical decision, for the reasons Mr. Hubler mentions. Bokrug destroying Sarnath would be your own version of "Godzilla".

    But I still have to go with "The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath" as the top choice when it comes to Lovecraft films - you could even do it as a little series of episodes, breaking it up into appropriate sections and releasing it weekly or something...either way, both are marvelous ideas for production, and after this nobody doubts your ability in tackling the if anybody did before.

  3. Kelston, Brian; Very nice comments from both of you -thanks :)
    I have plans for both "Sarnath" and "Dream-Quest", but I should do the latter first.

  4. YES! This should be fun to watch when finished...

  5. YES! This should be fun to watch when finished...

  6. Brilliant stuff! Been out of pocket for a while, so I've just come upon this, but I'm sure glad I did.

    Your work has a wonderful dreamlike feel to it that reflects Harryhausen's "strange quality in stop-motion photography, like in King Kong, that adds to the fantasy..."

  7. Fantastic hidden gem! Thank you so much for the insane amounts of effort this must have taken. Beautiful visuals.
