Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Goblin Wood Film Up!

After finishing the DVDs for the folks involved in the film I posted it on YouTube (HERE). Still NOT happy with how YouTube compresses videos. The image quality when using HQ is fine, but the flow of the video appears disrupted and choppy. I can't have both good image and movement, apparently, though some YouTubers appear to have solved that problem. However, using their exact settings for compression doesn't solve mine. The web is weird.


  1. Awsome. Everything. All the forest's creatures, then the goblins and then the flying thingee. I don't want to tell too much here, but this one really rocks. Great ideas, nice animations... all and everything. Rocks. Completely. Greatly done !

  2. The elf is pure magic. The walking mushroom is thrilling, the large ground monster too. So much good in here.

  3. Glad you both liked the final result! It's an amateur effort done for no money at all. But it's got heart, I hope.

  4. Richard, only just seen your film even though I've been following progress since last year. I also loved the mushroom and liked the idea of the dragon fly. Video played well for me.

  5. Thanks! Glad to hear that you could watch it and that you liked it (of course).
