Saturday, September 12, 2015

Feeling generous..? Wanna donate??

I once tried to crowd fund one of my projects. It was a total failure, didn't generate a dime! So now I've been looking at other options. I've started a Patreon campaign, where you can make a monthly donation to my YouTube video projects. In exchange you'll get more updates about my films, including more photos and how-to info. There's also other stuff, but..well, visit the campaign and read all about it.

I've also added a donate via PayPal button on my YouTube channel banner, if anyone would like to give a single gift to my work.

So why would you give your hard-earned money to this middle-aged Swedish dude? Well, apparently it's not that uncommon nowadays to support non-commercial Internet projects in this manner. In short; If you'd like to see more videos on YouTube, made by me, any donation from you will help me in that endeavour. It means I can say no to other work that takes time away from my film making. It means that I can delete the ads on my videos. It may even mean that I can eventually upgrade my tech park, and make better videos for your entertainment and education.

Thanks for having a look, and if you feel you can donate anything, thank you indeed!

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