Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Shadow Out of Time: The Film

Dear fellow bipeds; here's the fruit of many late evenings -The finished version of H P Lovecraft's tale "The Shadow Out of Time."

This is a collaboration between Richard Svensson (me), Daniel Lennéer and Christopher Johansson. Åke Rosén stars, and John Hutch narrates.
Daniel on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/lenneer
Chris on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/CJFILMvideoworks
John on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/JohnHutch
Daniel's project page: http://millroad.lenneer.se

An adaption based on the novel "The ShadowOut of Time" by: H. P Lovecraft

Written by: Richard Svenssonand Daniel Lenneér

Director of live-action: Daniel Lenneér

Director of animation: Richard Svensson

Voice-over: John Hutch

Music composed and mixed by: Christopher Johansson


Åke Rosén

...with supporting roles by;

Christopher Johansson

Thobias Ericsson

Daniel Lenneér


Greenscreen composition: Daniel Lenneér and Richard Svensson

Puppets and animations: RichardSvensson

Credits and Map animation: ChristopherJohansson

Hand actor: Owe Lenneér

Sound filters: ThobiasEricsson

Lettering: Charlotte Jolin

Assistant: David Gustavsson

Produced in unholy union between Millroad Film and The Lone Animator 2011-2012 in Sweden.


1 comment:

McTodd said...

That was superb! Really well put together, there's a lot of complex Lovecraft mythos to get across there and to compress it to less than a quarter-hour is a great achievement. The visuals are better than ever, with brilliant creature designs. I'd love to see more behind-the-scenes coverage of you making the puppets and miniature props.